Shortcode Generator
Featured Products
No Collection
Assign a collection to this shortcode.
Copy the shortcode below:
[an-products title-display="none" title="Add title herejbhb" collection="" grid="4" rows="2" carousel="false" thumb-size="" crop="" height="px" quick-view="" description="" reviews="" hover="" zoom="" button-bg="" link-color="" link-color-contrast="" border-color="" heading-color="#897171"]
Copy the shortcode below:
[an-slider action="new slider" width="px"]
[an-slider action="new slide"]

[an-slider action="end slide"]
[an-slider action="new slide"]

[an-slider action="end slide"]
[an-slider action="end slider"]
Featured blog posts
Five Top Tips to Care for Coloured Hair
Changing your hair colour can be a fantastic mood booster. Knowing you look your best gives you that extra sparkle to help you through the day. But how do you keep your colour looking as fresh as the day you left the hairdressers? Here’s a few good ideas to help keep your tresses vibrant.Try and wash your hair a little less often than usual. Most people can maintain comfortable feeling hair with a wash every two or three days. Daily exposure to shampooing and rinsing will fade the colouring faster. If your find your roots...
How To Keep Your Skin Radiant This Autumn
The colder months are not kind on our skin. As summer starts to become a fleeting memory and the warmer clothes come out, the winds and rain can tangle up your hair and dry your skin. Before you know it, you are heading to the nearest beauty salon in Bridgend and beyond to stop the dryness.Thankfully, keeping your skin happy isn’t too hard, so long as you follow our little tips. Turn Down The Heating As tempting as it can be to immediately turn up the radiators and the fire, it is far from the best thing...
Three Ways to Let Your Hair Down This Autumn
This year has been one full of big looks. With the current circumstances changing so many of the ways we work and meet, many more people have had the chance to experiment with their hairstyle that they may not have had before.In the spirit of letting your hair down, here are three big ways that your local hair salon in Bridgend can change your style this Autumn Hair ColouringNothing will lead to a starker change in your look than changing your hair colour. Right now, there are so many avenues to experiment with a radical change...
Copy the shortcode below:
[an-blog blog="news" articles="3" thumbnails="true" thumb-size="1200x" template="" comments="true"]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer augue justo, pulvinar eu lacus sit amet, ultrices semper elit. Curabitur at fringilla nunc, id consequat erat. Suspendisse semper ipsum at erat dignissim volutpat. Ut tincidunt neque ac dolor volutpat volutpat. Fusce viverra consequat ex sed pharetra. Sed fringilla, nunc non convallis molestie, augue sapien egestas lacus, ac hendrerit erat metus id ante. Vestibulum sit amet ultricies arcu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer augue justo, pulvinar eu lacus sit amet, ultrices semper elit. Curabitur at fringilla nunc, id consequat erat. Suspendisse semper ipsum at erat dignissim volutpat. Ut tincidunt neque ac dolor volutpat volutpat. Fusce viverra consequat ex sed pharetra. Sed fringilla, nunc non convallis molestie, augue sapien egestas lacus, ac hendrerit erat metus id ante. Vestibulum sit amet ultricies arcu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer augue justo, pulvinar eu lacus sit amet, ultrices semper elit. Curabitur at fringilla nunc, id consequat erat. Suspendisse semper ipsum at erat dignissim volutpat. Ut tincidunt neque ac dolor volutpat volutpat. Fusce viverra consequat ex sed pharetra. Sed fringilla, nunc non convallis molestie, augue sapien egestas lacus, ac hendrerit erat metus id ante. Vestibulum sit amet ultricies arcu.
Copy the shortcode below:
[an-columns action="new columns"]
[an-columns action="new column" class="col-4 col-md-4 col-lg-4"]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer augue justo, pulvinar eu lacus sit amet, ultrices semper elit. Curabitur at fringilla nunc, id consequat erat. Suspendisse semper ipsum at erat dignissim volutpat. Ut tincidunt neque ac dolor volutpat volutpat. Fusce viverra consequat ex sed pharetra. Sed fringilla, nunc non convallis molestie, augue sapien egestas lacus, ac hendrerit erat metus id ante. Vestibulum sit amet ultricies arcu.
[an-columns action="end column"]
[an-columns action="new column" class="col-4 col-md-4 col-lg-4"]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer augue justo, pulvinar eu lacus sit amet, ultrices semper elit. Curabitur at fringilla nunc, id consequat erat. Suspendisse semper ipsum at erat dignissim volutpat. Ut tincidunt neque ac dolor volutpat volutpat. Fusce viverra consequat ex sed pharetra. Sed fringilla, nunc non convallis molestie, augue sapien egestas lacus, ac hendrerit erat metus id ante. Vestibulum sit amet ultricies arcu.
[an-columns action="end column"]
[an-columns action="new column" class="col-4 col-md-4 col-lg-4"]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer augue justo, pulvinar eu lacus sit amet, ultrices semper elit. Curabitur at fringilla nunc, id consequat erat. Suspendisse semper ipsum at erat dignissim volutpat. Ut tincidunt neque ac dolor volutpat volutpat. Fusce viverra consequat ex sed pharetra. Sed fringilla, nunc non convallis molestie, augue sapien egestas lacus, ac hendrerit erat metus id ante. Vestibulum sit amet ultricies arcu.
[an-columns action="end column"]
[an-columns action="end columns"]
Some answer herenknjij njn
Some answer here
Copy the shortcode below:
[an-faq action="new faqs" icon=""]
[an-faq action="new faq" question="Some question here"]
Some answer herenknjij njn
[an-faq action="end faq"]
[an-faq action="new faq" question="Some question here"]
Some answer here
[an-faq action="end faq"]
[an-faq action="end faqs"]
Some content here
Cintect tab 2 Cintect tab 2 Cintect tab 2 Cintect tab 2 Cintect tab 2 Cintect tab 2 Cintect tab 2 Cintect tab 2 Cintect tab 2 Cintect tab 2
Cintect tab 3 Cintect tab 3 Cintect tab 3 Cintect tab 3 Cintect tab 3 Cintect tab 3 Cintect tab 3 Cintect tab 3 Cintect tab 3 Cintect tab 3
Copy the shortcode below:
[an-tabs action="new tabs" look="horizontal"]
[an-tabs action="new tab" title="Tab title here"]
Some content here
[an-tabs action="end tab"]
[an-tabs action="new tab" title="Tab 2"]
Cintect tab 2 Cintect tab 2 Cintect tab 2 Cintect tab 2 Cintect tab 2 Cintect tab 2 Cintect tab 2 Cintect tab 2 Cintect tab 2 Cintect tab 2
[an-tabs action="end tab"]
[an-tabs action="new tab" title="Tab 3"]
Cintect tab 3 Cintect tab 3 Cintect tab 3 Cintect tab 3 Cintect tab 3 Cintect tab 3 Cintect tab 3 Cintect tab 3 Cintect tab 3 Cintect tab 3
[an-tabs action="end tab"]
[an-tabs action="end tabs"]
Contact Form
Copy the shortcode below:
[an-contact-form button="Add some text" width="100%" center="true"]
Copy the shortcode below:
[an-map location="51.507337, -3.561535" width="100%" height="300px" fullwidth="true" zoom="15" address1="13 The Triangle, Brackla, Bridgend, CF31 2LL"]
Page content
Choose page to see it's content here and get the shortcode.
Title here
Copy the shortcode below:
[an-heading title="Title here" h1="no"]
Heading small
Title here
Copy the shortcode below:
[an-heading title="Title here" size="h2"]
Copy the shortcode below:
[an-icon icon="fab fa-digital-ocean" url="" size="3x" spin="false" class=""]
Collection links
Copy the shortcode below:
[an-collection-links title="All collections"]
Featured products small
Choose collection to pull products from to see them here and get the shortcode.
Featured blog posts small
Copy the shortcode below:
[an-blog-small blog="news" articles="3" thumbnails="true"]
Empty space
Change height to see this how the empty space below is getting larger.
Copy the shortcode below:
[an-space height="200px" width=""]
Some content here
Copy the shortcode below:
[an-wrapper action="new wrapper" padding="true" width="70%"]
Some content here
[an-wrapper action="end wrapper"]
Product gallery video 1
For product pages ONLY! Use only one per each product page. It will show in gallery after images. Below is just a video preview.
Copy the shortcode below:
[an-product-video video="PWEA3TbOAqA" source="youtube"]
Product gallery video 2
For product pages ONLY! Use only one per each product page. It will show in gallery after images and first video. Below is just a video preview.
Copy the shortcode below:
[an-product-video video="a5beTN5YrEw" source="youtube"]